Our Publication Scheme shares information that we routinely make available and our previous responses to Freedom of Information Act requests.

How to request information
You can submit an FOI request by emailing FOI@E-ACT.org.uk. Please include your name, address and telephone number with your request. Or, please write to Freedom of Information, E-ACT, The Orangery, 28 Headlands, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 7HP.

Information about specific academies
All FOI enquiries are managed by E-ACT. If you have a specific question about information held by one of our academies, please email FOI@E-ACT.org.uk.

What happens when we receive your request?
We will acknowledge your request as soon as possible. If your request is particularly complex we will assess how long it is likely to take to retrieve the relevant information. If it is more than 18 hours of staff time, we reserve the right to levy a charge. In this case, we will write to you to advise you of the cost and you can decide whether or not to continue.

Are there any exemptions?

There are a range of exemptions that could apply, for example, if releasing information breaches commercial confidence, or if there are other legal issues preventing disclosure. We will write to you if this applies. You have the right to appeal the decision in writing to E-ACT in the first instance, and to the Information Commissioner’s office if you think the decision is unreasonable.